
A series of sound and video works by LEMUR and artist Ellen Røed for living environments, musicians, microphones, cameras and videographer.

Røed’s subtle and slow panoramic strokes through the apartments portrays the relationship between performed sound and living environments. It tells the story both of the rooms, their owners, the performers’ actions as well the videographer.  As a combination of image, sound, action and concept, Leilighetsportretter is part concert, part video art, part site specific intervention and part ethnographic field trip in Oslo apartments.

The project is one of four elements in Samtaler om rom – Spatial conversations, where Lemur works in and around the National museum´s exhibitions on Norwegian housing architecture. As such the work is  part of an interdisciplinary effort to explore new strategies for the presentation of architecture.

Ellen Røed (1970) examines the terms for production of meaning in the video format by constantly questioning the technology and the photographer’s role and influence on material. Her works are characterized by a distinctive musicality, a sense of the performative, for the action aspect of art making . Røed and Lemur have previously collaborated in connection with the project “Happy Birthday, John Cage!”. Ellen is currently a Profile Professor at the Stockholm University of the Arts.


Premiered at the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, fall 2018.