Samtaler om rom
Seven sonic interventions at the National Museum,
January – October 2018

LEMUR is Ensemble-in-Residence at the of National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design in 2018. The project Samtaler om rom is  a dialogue with the museum’s rooms, programs and priorities in the period. Installations, performances, new productions and concerts are wedged in between the ordinary exhibitions, as an experimental and interdisciplinary approach to presenting architecture.

The project uses the institution’s natural ebb and flow as a framework: The first intervention takes place in an empty Ulltveit Moe Pavilion in January and February, followed by tailored performances, productions and events around the exhibitions «Visning» and «Boligideer”.


Polytop – a site specific sound installation for Ulltveit-Moe Pavilion is displayed in the period 20.1.-5.2.

The concert installation Lemuria – for ensemble, two singers, electronics and a mobile audience, is shown 9.2. kl. 19:00 and 10.2. kl. 1:00 p.m.

Hjemme hos – A series of house concerts in private Oslo apartments appear in June-October

Leilighetsportretter, a sound and video work by Ellen Røed and Lemur will be created in connection to the exhibition “Visning” and displayed towards the end of the project period.

More information about the project at